How much are you leaving on the table?

You may be able to improve your ROI simply by identifying and fixing poor quality ad units. Our ROI calculator helps size the opportunity. Try it!

Try numbers based on your site metrics

We calculate a monthly opportunity of:
The initial calculation is based on an average page load delay of 4 seconds (due to the cumulative effect of ad quality issues) and a conservative 5% drop in page views per second. Industry studies have found the decline in page views may actually be 11% or more for each second of latency. Watch what happens when you adjust the range above.
Page Load Delay
Decrease in Page Views

Ad Lightning can help you realize this opportunity.

Try Ad Lightning Risk Free for 30 Days.

Average page load latency due to bad ads
How does your site fare? How does that impact your ROI?
Whether you run a content site or an e-commerce site, pageviews drive your revenue. Increase page views significantly by proactively addressing the ad quality issues that slow down your website.
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